Bruzzi Wine Trio

Winning Bid: $85.00

Cabernot Savignon, unblended and oaked, this red wine has all of the richness and complexity with none of the bite.  Value $55
Vidal Blanc-white wine with a very slight sweetness, crisp Asian pear notes and a bright acidity. Value $40
Glamorous-Made in the style of an ice wine, this dessert wine has Dutch Apple pie, carmelized banana and pineapple notes. Value $35
Total value $130

Item condition: New

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Cabernot Savignon, unblended and oaked, this red wine has all of the richness and complexity with none of the bite.  Value $55
Vidal Blanc-white wine with a very slight sweetness, crisp Asian pear notes and a bright acidity. Value $40
Glamorous-Made in the style of an ice wine, this dessert wine has Dutch Apple pie, carmelized banana and pineapple notes. Value $35
Total value $130

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: Sheila Bruce

Date Bid User Auto
September 11, 2021 11:56 am$85.00Sheila Bruce
July 29, 2020 12:00 amAuction started